
New links available inside my new website Link 

auto-claim faucet , fast update fh

all proposed autoclaims do not hide minors


 register. Pot claim every 0.25 minutes

starcoins.wsUse starcoins game to autoclaim on faucethub. Every 1 min : 2 sat btc, 20000 Doge…

 Tutorial Link

Best Dice game

  • Bitsler : minimum 12 faucet / day, play dice, roulette, multicolor , cara y cruz
  • crypto : claim your faucet. Dice, possibility to use bot, …

Lottery every hour

Coinpot faucet ( register ) – not faucethub

  • tutorial how to register to coinpot. here

register to each faucet below with your email used with coinpot to claim every 5 min to 1 day for bonus loyalty.

  1. if for exemple you don’t have a dash wallet or don’t want it. You can collect the faucet then exchange it to an other currency. Connection by email 🙂
  2. you receive 3 coinpot token each time you claim a faucet connected to coinpot. Exchange this token to an other currency or play lottery, but your chance to win is very very low. Better to exchange vs btc 🙂
  3. Miner on moon btc, put a good antivirus to stop it if you don’t want mining.

Good : mal detected

These site propose 27-54 sat ( happy hour ) , but there is a malware inside detected. antivirus required before going inside 🙂

Last update : 14/06/2018